Simply Self-Determined

On the Reality of Life Beyond Gender Norms

  • Many voices from the trans* community and contributions by experts
  • Objective, nuanced and level-headed

Trans*: these days, these five letters followed by an asterisk are enough to evoke a heated debate. What often gets lost in the fray is the fact that trans* isn’t just a “controversial topic” but the lived reality of many.

Trans* people have long been exposed to psychological, physical and structural violence in our society. In recent years, the imperative dismantling of these discriminations has been publicly discussed and even concretely tackled – through Germany’s planned “self-determination law,” for example. These social and political processes lead to questions, criticism and resistance, making education all the more important.

This book contains 20 texts by activists, psychologists, scientists and those affected – texts whose strength lies in the fact that they trace a nuanced, level-headed picture of what a life beyond gender norms can be.

Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch
  • Release: 07.03.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00585-1
  • 304 Pages
  • Edited by: Janka Kluge Julia Monro
Simply Self-Determined
Simply Self-Determined