Nonsense and More

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For some 15 years, the “Partner Titanic” column, dedicated to “nonsense, sense and deepsense,” guided readers of the satirical magazine Titanic through the perils of post-modern “life”. Many – in fact, basically everybody – only bought the magazine because of “PT,” as those in the know lovingly referred to the column. Now, at last, the best, most beautiful, smartest, most inadvertent, filthiest and all the rest has been collected in one handy volume: tons of meaningless photos, invented finds, photographic riddles, classified ads, feetures (sic) and editorridals (sic), reports from the realm of approximations, eating tips, sex fairy tales, world market analyses and many practical DIY devices. And of course Stulli, the talking snack sandwich!

This book will pursue its course, even over dead bodies, leveling everything else in the process. If you buy it now, you’ll be able to say later that you always knew it and that you were for it from the very beginning. So, what are you waiting for?

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  • Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch
  • Release: 08.11.2012
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-04475-1
  • 256 Pages
  • Authors: Martin SonnebornBenjamin Schiffner
Nonsense and More
Martin Sonneborn Benjamin Schiffner Nonsense and More
Tanja Rethmann
© Tanja Rethmann
Martin Sonneborn

Martin Sonneborn , Mitherausgeber von Titanic; geboren 1965 in Göttingen; Studium der Publizistik, Germanistik und Politikwissenschaften in Münster, Wien und Berlin; Magisterarbeit über die absolute Wirkungslosigkeit moderner Satire. Hält es für witzig, trotz seinerzeit schlüssiger wissenschaftlicher Argumentation heute im EU-Parlament zu sitzen. 

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Benjamin Schiffner

Benjamin Schiffner was born in 1973 in Quedlinburg. Editor of Titanic from 1996 to 2000, he has been unemployed ever since. He lives in Berlin.