The 21st Century


  • A compendium of essays by one of Germany's foremost experts on pop culture

No sooner had the 21st century dawned than it was already presenting new horrors, idiocies and occasional moments of bliss. Diedrich Diederichsen is one of the few people who still dares to make connections in this confusion, which has been intensified and accelerated by the media, while holding on to a sophisticated concept of criticism.

In this miracle bag of a reader with essays and commentaries, albeit only from the first twenty-three years of the century, Diederichsen demonstrates his stupendous knowledge of all trends in art, cinema, television, literature, music, theater, theory and politics, which extends to the finest branches of counterculture.

He is able to generate sparks from epistemology as well as from The Simpsons, René Pollesch's productions or TV series such as Underground Railroad. And he succeeds at linking the one with the other like no one else, jumping from Theodor W. Adorno to the Duck family or from a Hamburg building site to a feminist art installation (and back). Not since Walter Benjamin has there been such an impressive demonstration of what contemporaneity can mean. 

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  • Publisher: Kiepenheuer&Witsch
  • Release: 07.03.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00646-9
  • 1136 Pages
  • Author: Diedrich Diederichsen
The 21st Century
Diedrich Diederichsen The 21st Century
Joachim Gern
© Joachim Gern
Diedrich Diederichsen

Diedrich Diederichsen , geb. 1957 in Hamburg, ist Professor für Theorie, Praxis und Vermittlung von Gegenwartskunst an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien. In den 80er Jahren war er Redakteur bei den Musikzeitschriften Sounds und SPEX , seit den 90ern arbeitet er als Hochschullehrer u. a. in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Wien, Pasadena, St. Louis, Los Angeles. Bei KiWi erschienen seit 1985 neun Bücher (u. a. »Sexbeat«, »Politische Korrekturen«, »Über Popmusik«).