Trottelini with Pumasano. True Stories from the Lives of Young Parents

The wonderfully crazy life with kids

Life with kids is exhausting, great, enough to make you weep, laugh, lose it, cheer and go crazy – usually all at the same time. Jonas Ratz reports about it in the column “Elterncouch” (“Parents’ Couch”) on Spiegel Online – and many parents shudder in recognition.

Very important: Ratz doesn’t offer a single tip in his book. Because you can hardly escape all the tips, rules and good advice that come your way once you have kids. Besides: parenting is what happens while we’re busy failing at being role models. The chapters are just long enough that you can fit them in perfectly before going to bed – because two pages is about as much as you can manage when you’re wiped out from putting your kids to bed.

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  • Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch
  • Release: 08.09.2016
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-04970-1
  • 211 Pages
  • Author: Jonas Ratz
Trottelini with Pumasano. True Stories from the Lives of Young Parents
Jonas Ratz Trottelini with Pumasano. True Stories from the Lives of Young Parents
Michael Meißner
© Michael Meißner
Jonas Ratz

Jonas Ratz lebt in Hamburg, zusammen mit seiner Frau Jana und seinen Kindern Frederik (4) und Oliver (1 1/2). Die beiden sind nicht immer artig, aber immerhin schon groß: 90 und 107 Zentimeter (auf Zehenspitzen). Was er mit ihnen zwischen G wie Geburtsvorbereitungskurs und N wie Notaufnahme erlebt, berichtet er regelmäßig auf der SPIEGEL ONLINE-Elterncouch.