The 20th century ended in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the 21st century began on September 11, 2001. After the Cold War-decades and the world´s political bipolartiy, we now find a completely different political situation: The threat of Islamic terror as the third totalitarian danger after fascism and communsim and a dangerous international power-vacuum following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The only global power left is the USA which is now confronted with a diffuse multi-polarity and a new type of so-called `asymmetric wars´. States like China, India and Europe enter the stage of global politics. The German Foreign Minister looks at risks and chances to establish peace and justice in international relationships in the 21st century. Looking at today´s critical issues in politics – like the Middle East, Iraq, the Balkan or the World Climate, Joschka Fischer outlines szenarios and political alternatives for the future. He asks for the determining factors that might prevent or enable a global system of international law, peace and justice. Joschka Fischer particularly focuses on the relationship between Europe and the USA and the theoretical positions of the American neo-conservatism from Samuel P. Huntigton to Robert Kagan.This book is the positioning of German Foreign policy at the beginning of George W. Bush´s second government term.