Nothing But the Truth

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Matthias simply gives women what they want; he’s not a bad person. When he tells his mother that he expects to be admitted to the diplomatic service soon, it’s just a white lie of sorts to save his self-esteem. After all, he can hardly admit to her that he was just fired from his job as a representative for an insurance company – already an unworthy job, in her eyes.

He tells his attractive neighbor Juliane that he’s looking for his cat that ran away (even though it belongs to someone else) – how else could he have made contact and started an affair with her? And he only uses his various profiles on Internet dating sites to make money; his heart isn’t really in it.

When he meets Annemarie Funk, a lonely, fatally ill woman, he doesn’t force himself on her. She’s the one who admits to him that she really would have loved to have had a son. And she’s the one who comes up with the idea that he could move in with her. But his hopes of coming into an inheritance quickly and easily are seriously put to the test. Unexpectedly, Annemarie blossoms in his presence. She seems to miraculously grow younger.

And so the struggle begins: for Annemarie’s brief future, for the tale she has to tell, for what she will leave behind, and for what really matters to someone who doesn’t have much longer to live – the truth or a beautiful illusion.

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  • Publisher: Galiani-Berlin
  • Release: 13.02.2014
  • ISBN: 978-3-86971-087-7
  • 320 Pages
  • Author: Larissa Boehning
Nothing But the Truth
Larissa Boehning Nothing But the Truth
Julia Baier
© Julia Baier
Larissa Boehning

Larissa Boehning , Jahrgang 1971, ist in Hamburg aufgewachsen und lebte eine Zeit lang in Spanien. Seit 2007 wohnt sie mit ihrer Familie wieder in Berlin. Larissa Boehning arbeitet als Grafikerin, Dozentin und freie Schriftstellerin. Für eine Geschichte aus "Schwalbensommer" erhielt sie den Literaturpreis Prenzlauer Berg (2002). Ihr Romandebüt "Lichte Stoffe" (2007) war auf der Longlist des Deutschen Buchpreises und wurde mit dem Kulturpreis der Stadt Pinneberg und dem Mara-Cassens-Preis für das beste Debüt des Jahres 2007 ausgezeichnet. 2011 erschien "Das Glück der Zikaden", 2014 "Nichts davon stimmt, aber alles ist wahr".

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