No One Can Say They Didn’t Know

The AfD’s Outrageous Plans

  • SPIEGEL Bestseller

In this book, Marcus Bensmann brings together the findings of many years of research into the Alternative for Germany (AfD) by the network CORRECTIV. Based on the party’s own statements, he reconstructs its plans: from the secret meeting in Potsdam to the planned abolition of fundamental rights.

As an expert on right-wing extremism for the research network CORRECTIV, Marcus Bensmann has attended party conferences, district assemblies, and other meetings of the right-wing scene for years, analyzed the statements and programs of right-wing networks and books by their protagonists, and followed the development of the AfD which started out as an anti-Euro party before its takeover by the radical nationalist wing and the remarkable radicalization of the party leadership.

Drawing on the results of many years of research by CORRECTIV, in this book Bensmann pieces together the plans being pursued by the radical party leadership and its whisperers, and what’s in store for Germany if they are actually able to do what they really want: the deportation of millions of people, a turn towards Russia and China and the abolition of universal human rights.

Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: Galiani-Berlin
  • Release: 04.07.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-86971-311-3
  • 256 Pages
  • Authors: Marcus BensmannCORRECTIV
No One Can Say They Didn’t Know
Marcus Bensmann CORRECTIV No One Can Say They Didn’t Know
Ivo Mayr
© Ivo Mayr
Marcus Bensmann

Marcus Bensmann (»ein brillanter Investigativreporter«, Markus Lanz) berichtete 20 Jahre lang für deutsche Medien in Zentralasien, dem Kaukasus, Afghanistan, Iran und dem Irak. Er recherchiert seit 2014 für CORRECTIV , u.a. als Experte der Neuen Rechten. 


CORRECTIV ist ein 2013 gegründetes, gemeinwohlorientiertes Medienhaus zur Stärkung der Demokratie.