The Women Authors of Group 47

  • "What I love most are books about the invisible, and this is a fascinating study of a great continent of German literary history that has long been kept invisible." - Clemens Setz 

Nicole Seifert tells the story of Group 47 from a new perspective: that of the women. The result is nothing short of sensational. The Women Authors of Group 47 makes it imperative to rethink contemporary German literature, to reorganize the literary landscape.

There were many more female authors at the notorious Group 47 meetings than Ingeborg Bachmann and Ilse Aichinger, but they have been forgotten, they fell out of history, were usually not even included in the conversation about the group - and if they were, then not as authors of their texts, but as desirable bodies or tragic beings. Nicole Seifert tells of the women authors' experiences in Group 47, of their lives in the 1950s and 1960s in West Germany and of their works. A clever, eye-opening book that immediately makes you want to start reading. 

Writers such as Gisela Elsner and Gabriele Wohmann need to be re-read, writers such as Ruth Rehmann, Helga M. Novak and Barbara König need to be rediscovered.  This is a completely new look at Group 47 and post-war literature that leads right up to the present day.

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  • Publisher: Kiepenheuer&Witsch
  • Release: 08.02.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00353-6
  • 352 Pages
  • Author: Nicole Seifert
The Women Authors of Group 47
Nicole Seifert The Women Authors of Group 47
Katja Scholtz
© Katja Scholtz
Nicole Seifert

Nicole Seifert   ist promovierte Literaturwissenschaftlerin und gelernte Verlagsbuchhändlerin und arbeitet als Übersetzerin und Autorin. Ihr Buch »FrauenLiteratur. Abgewertet, vergessen, wiederentdeckt« erschien 2021 und löste eine Debatte über weibliches Schreiben aus. Nicole Seifert ist Mitherausgeberin der Reihe »rororo Entdeckungen«, in der Romane unbekannter Autorinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts (wieder)veröffentlicht werden. 

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