Fed Up

How Delivery Services Exploit Their Drivers, Why This is Making us All Poorer - and What We Can Do About it

  • A delivery rider's insider report

Flexible working hours, a short training period, exercise and plenty of fresh air: bicycle delivery services recruit their delivery people with a low-threshold entry into the job. Orry Mittenmayer, however, gets to know an industry that makes unfulfillable delivery promises to its customers - and carries out its problems on the backs of those who deliver the food.

As a so-called rider for one of Germany's first bicycle delivery services, Orry Mittenmayer documents numerous labor law violations: The companies put their employees under massive pressure, monitor locations, check break times and delivery routes. The people affected by this harassment are those who rely on short-term jobs and often do not have the opportunity to defend themselves. 

In Fed Up, unionist and activist Orry Mittenmayer provides eye-opening insights into the dangerous everyday life of riders, reveals how delivery service companies systematically fight against labour laws, and explains the importance of collective action. After all, the hype surrounding groceries and meals conveniently delivered to our doorstep is huge - but is anyone actually listening to the people who deliver our orders?

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  • Publisher: KiWi-Paperback
  • Release: 07.11.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00577-6
  • 224 Pages
  • Author: Orry Mittenmayer
Fed Up
Orry Mittenmayer Fed Up
Fiona Körner
© Fiona Körner
Orry Mittenmayer

Orry Mittenmayer, geb. 1992, ist ausgebildeter Buchhändler und Politikwissenschaftler (B.A.) und lebt seit seiner Geburt mit einer Hörbehinderung. Er setzt sich im  Gewerkschaftskontext ehrenamtlich für mehr demokratische Mitbestimmung ein und legt dabei einen besonderen Fokus auf den Niedriglohnsektor. ZEIT Campus wählte ihn 2018 zu einem der 30 wichtigsten Aktivist:innen unter 30, als Mitgründer der Kampagne »Liefern am Limit« erhielt er 2019 den Hans- Böckler-Preis der Stadt Köln.