Dirt and Glitter

A Story From the Streets About Light in Dark Places

  • The legendary German punk band Slime's new singer tells his story

In 2016, Tex Brasket comes to Berlin. It's not the first attempt at a new start, but one that really fails: After the odd stupidity and a few missed opportunities, he ends up on the street.

Tex knows all about setbacks. Immediately after being born into a difficult home in Texas, he tests positive for various drugs. Neither an adoption nor a move to the Bavarian provinces frees him from the issues of violence and addiction. Now he is left with a sleeping bag, a handful of clothes and his guitar. It is an unprotected life, characterized by mistrust, hardship and despair, but also by solidarity and hope.

Tex has bad experiences, learns his lessons, gets to know himself anew - and finds a new language: he begins to sing about this life. Over the next three years, he builds up a reputation and an audience as a street musician. And one day he is discovered as the new singer for the legendary punk band Slime. Months later, he is performing in front of 40,000 people on a festival stage.

Christian Schlodder and Tex Brasket met in 2017 when, apart from Tex's voice and talent, there was little to suggest such a turn of events. Together, they tell a story that is full of dirt and darkness, but sparkles all the more brightly.

Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: KiWi-Paperback
  • Release: 10.10.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00777-0
  • 240 Pages
  • Authors: Tex BrasketChristian Schlodder
Dirt and Glitter
Tex Brasket Christian Schlodder Dirt and Glitter
Katharina Böke
© Katharina Böke
Tex Brasket

Tex Brasket , geboren 1980 im texanischen Galveston. Von einer deutschen Familie adoptiert kam er im Alter von drei Jahren nach Bayern. 2016 landete er über zahlreiche Umwege in Berlin – und wenig später in der Obdachlosigkeit. Seit 2021 ist er Sänger der Band Slime.

Scha Shi
© Scha Shi
Christian Schlodder

Christian Schlodder , geboren 1987 in der südbrandenburgischen Provinz, veröffentlichte Texte unter anderem in der Süddeutschen Zeitung , der taz und auf Zeit Online . Seit 2017 begleitet er Tex’ Leben und Werdegang. Er lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.