In this fundamental book, Aladin El-Mafaalani analyses from different perspectives the problems and paradoxical effects of the educational system, its dynamics and its inertia. A comprehensive diagnosis, a plea to finally put social inequality in education into the focus of educational policy and practice, and at the same time a rejection of visions and revolutions: It is about what is now important and realistic.
“When it comes to education, what we’re talking about is a myth because it is a unsatisfactorily defined term that is always evoked whenever we are at a loss. Supposedly, education can solve all our problems: poverty and inequality, segregation in cities, political and religious radicalization, racism – education is even supposed to be able to stop climate change. But no one has ever answered the question of whether education can even be more fair, humane and sustainable than the society it is a part of. Education is not a solution but a problem in its own right – just like the educational system. So the topic is actually even more relevant than we already thought it was: What is at issue is the big picture – not profane solutions to individual problems.” - Aladin El-Mafaalani