Blind Date with Two Unknowns

100 New Math Puzzles

Science journalist and math aficionado Holger Dambeck once again takes us into the fascinating world of mathematical-logical puzzles.

There’s no obvious solution to a well-done puzzle. Which gives all the more weight to Holger Dambeck’s credo: “There may be rules, but to really have fun you have to get creative.” His entertaining puzzles show us what math really is: not boring memorization but the joy of thinking and discovering ingenious solutions.

After the major success of his first book of puzzles Kommen drei Logiker in eine Bar…, Holger Dambeck presents his latest collection of the 100 most beautiful math puzzles in Blind Date mit zwei Unbekannten. Enjoy jogging your mind!

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China: United Sky / Korea: Saenggakuijip / Taiwan: Sunrise Press

  • Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch
  • Release: 15.04.2021
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00124-2
  • 256 Pages
  • Series: Aus der Welt der Mathematik
  • Author: Holger Dambeck
Blind Date with Two Unknowns
Holger Dambeck Blind Date with Two Unknowns
Anna Dittrich / DER SPIEGEL
© Anna Dittrich / DER SPIEGEL
Holger Dambeck

Holger Dambeck , born in 1969, studied physics and has been science editor at Spiegel Online since 2003 and head of the science and health desk since 2015. Already as a 16-year-old, he participated in mathematical Olympiads to solve tricky problems. Since 2006, he has been writing about the wondrous world of math in the Spiegel Online column Numerator . In 2003, he was awarded the media prize of the German Mathematical Society. Since 2014, he has been writing the Spiegel Online column “Rätsel der Woche” (“Riddle of the Week”).