Being Cross With the Square. 100 New Math Puzzles

  • Over 110,000 copies sold of Holger Dambeck's series of math puzzles
  • "Precise, understandable for everyone, and full of humor"—Schwäbisches Tagblatt

Can a cube fit through itself? Why is 2023 a special year? And what do you do with three lies for which there is only one truth? In his new book, science journalist and math expert Holger Dambeck presents 100 new puzzles to get you thinking.

Just like in traveling, the journey is often the reward in mathematics. Unlike many school assignments, Holger Dambeck's math puzzles therefore do not provide solutions, but invite readers to go on a journey of discovery themselves. After all, solutions need to be found and this requires creativity, alertness and a love of the unknown.

Following the great success of his two puzzle books Three Logicians Walk Into A Bar and Blind Date with Two Unknowns, Holger Dambeck now presents his latest collection of 100 clever math puzzles in Being Cross With the Square

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  • Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch
  • Release: 08.05.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00640-7
  • 256 Pages
  • Series: Aus der Welt der Mathematik
  • Author: Holger Dambeck
Being Cross With the Square. 100 New Math Puzzles
Holger Dambeck Being Cross With the Square. 100 New Math Puzzles
Anna Dittrich / DER SPIEGEL
© Anna Dittrich / DER SPIEGEL
Holger Dambeck

Holger Dambeck , born in 1969, studied physics and has been science editor at Spiegel Online since 2003 and head of the science and health desk since 2015. Already as a 16-year-old, he participated in mathematical Olympiads to solve tricky problems. Since 2006, he has been writing about the wondrous world of math in the Spiegel Online column Numerator . In 2003, he was awarded the media prize of the German Mathematical Society. Since 2014, he has been writing the Spiegel Online column “Rätsel der Woche” (“Riddle of the Week”).