The Hero of Friedrichstrasse Station

  • A wonderful story about a lie that takes on a life of its own - about how historical truth is created and heroes are born
  • 65,000 copies sold
  • English sample translation by Jamie Bulloch available

Loveable loser Michael Hartung inadvertently becomes a hero. He enjoys his unaccustomed fame until love comes into play and he is forced to make a decision. A fast-paced, touching, and immensely enjoyable story about a small lie that spirals out of control. 

In September 2019, a journalist visits Michael Hartung. He is researching a spectacular mass escape from East Germany in the 80s, in which 127 people made their way to the West via train. The journalist has come across secret service files showing that Hartung allegedly engineered the escape. Hartung knows that this is a misunderstanding and initially denies the story but, after receiving a decent fee and having a few beers, agrees to confirm it. After all, he’s never been important, never been a hero, and if that’s what the files say …

Soon the media are all over Hartung, they need a hero and such a modest one is just the right fit to win the hearts of the public. The president meets with him, and a book and movie based on his story are in the works. Hartung’s life suddenly feels easy, like a dream. But then he meets Paula, who, as a little girl, was on that train that was diverted to the West. The two fall in love, and Hartung senses that it’s time for him to find a way out of the web of lies – although it might already be too late for that.

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  • Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch
  • Release: 17.08.2023
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00535-6
  • 304 Pages
  • Author: Maxim Leo
Der Held vom Bahnhof Friedrichstraße
Maxim Leo Der Held vom Bahnhof Friedrichstraße
Sven Görlich
© Sven Görlich
Maxim Leo

Maxim Leo , 1970 in Ostberlin geboren, ist gelernter Chemielaborant, studierte Politikwissenschaften, wurde Journalist. Heute schreibt er gemeinsam mit Jochen Gutsch Bestseller über sprechende Männer und Alterspubertierende, außerdem Drehbücher für den »Tatort«. 2006 erhielt er den Theodor-Wolff-Preis. Für sein autobiografisches Buch »Haltet euer Herz bereit« wurde er 2011 mit dem Europäischen Buchpreis ausgezeichnet. 2014 erschien sein Krimi »Waidmannstod«, 2015 »Auentod«. 2019 erschien sein autobiografisches Buch »Wo wir zu Hause sind«, das zum Bestseller wurde. Maxim Leo lebt mit seiner Frau und zwei Kindern in Berlin.