Forever Young

  • Imagine a drug that can stop the aging process…
  • SPIEGEL-bestselling author Maxim Leo’s sophisticated and extremely entertaining new novel takes actual scientific advances as an imaginative jumping-off point
  • English sample translation by Jamie Bulloch available
  • Film Rights sold to Beta Filme

What will become of our lives when age can no longer get the better of us? Clever, brilliantly researched and hugely entertaining, Forever Young follows four people whose lives are turned upside down by a new drug.

They are study participants in a clinical trial at the Charité hospital in Berlin, the “side effects” of which have unexpected consequences: a biological rejuvenation of several years. Jakob has just met his first love and suddenly reverts back to prepuberty. Jenny has wanted a baby for years and suddenly gets pregnant. Wenger, a seriously ill real-estate patriarch, throws a lavish party to say goodbye to the world, only to bounce back to health again shortly afterwards – to his heirs’ annoyance. And Verena, a two-time Olympic champion in the 100-meter freestyle who already retired a while ago, unexpectedly sets new records at an exhibition swim meet for former star athletes. When the public learns of her rejuvenation, things begin to happen thick and fast.

An incredibly astute novel that follows its protagonists through the craziest year of their lives with warmth and humor – while also, almost as an aside, asking the major ethical and social questions that come up when human beings triumph over aging.

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Slovakia: Ikar

  • Publisher: Kiepenheuer&Witsch
  • Release: 07.03.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00375-8
  • 304 Pages
  • Author: Maxim Leo
Forever Young
Maxim Leo Forever Young
Sven Görlich
© Sven Görlich
Maxim Leo

Maxim Leo , 1970 in Ostberlin geboren, ist gelernter Chemielaborant, studierte Politikwissenschaften, wurde Journalist. Heute schreibt er gemeinsam mit Jochen Gutsch Bestseller über sprechende Männer und Alterspubertierende, außerdem Drehbücher für den »Tatort«. 2006 erhielt er den Theodor-Wolff-Preis. Für sein autobiografisches Buch »Haltet euer Herz bereit« wurde er 2011 mit dem Europäischen Buchpreis ausgezeichnet. 2014 erschien sein Krimi »Waidmannstod«, 2015 »Auentod«. 2019 erschien sein autobiografisches Buch »Wo wir zu Hause sind«, das zum Bestseller wurde. Maxim Leo lebt mit seiner Frau und zwei Kindern in Berlin.