The Boy From West Berlin

  • A novella about love in a time when nothing is as it seems – and nothing remains as it was
  • Beautifully illustrated by Kat Menschik

A love story between a boy from West Berlin and a girl from East Berlin

For an entire generation, the summer of 1989 was a wild and scintillating promise. Rebellion and upheaval everywhere. Right in the middle of it all is Marc from West Berlin, who, in East Berlin, can be who he always wanted to be: interesting and desirable. As soon as he crosses the border, his friends from the East Berlin scene welcome him with open arms – obviously also because he comes with goods that are in scarce supply in the East: books, records, and music magazines. Everyone there thinks he’s a tour manager for cool bands in West Berlin; nobody knows he’s actually just gigging as a roadie.

At a party, Marc runs into Nele, a dreamer like him. She’d also like to be someone else – a duchess, a fairy, or at least French. When Nele and Marc stroll across the rooftops of Prenzlauer Berg, they feel like soul mates. Until one day the Wall comes down…

Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: Galiani-Berlin
  • Release: 05.09.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-86971-304-5
  • 80 Pages
  • Series: Illustrierte Lieblingsbücher
  • Authors: Maxim LeoKat Menschik
  • Illustrated by:: Kat Menschik
The Boy From West Berlin
Maxim Leo Kat Menschik The Boy From West Berlin
Sven Görlich
© Sven Görlich
Maxim Leo

Maxim Leo , 1970 in Ostberlin geboren, ist gelernter Chemielaborant, studierte Politikwissenschaften, wurde Journalist. Heute schreibt er gemeinsam mit Jochen Gutsch Bestseller über sprechende Männer und Alterspubertierende, außerdem Drehbücher für den »Tatort«. 2006 erhielt er den Theodor-Wolff-Preis. Für sein autobiografisches Buch »Haltet euer Herz bereit« wurde er 2011 mit dem Europäischen Buchpreis ausgezeichnet. 2014 erschien sein Krimi »Waidmannstod«, 2015 »Auentod«. 2019 erschien sein autobiografisches Buch »Wo wir zu Hause sind«, das zum Bestseller wurde. Maxim Leo lebt mit seiner Frau und zwei Kindern in Berlin.

Kat Menschik
© Kat Menschik
Kat Menschik

Kat Menschik is an illustrator who has always had a weakness for scientific texts that explain things well and for the strangest animals. 

Further Titles

Volker KutscherKat Menschik


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