Fish ‘n’ Chips & Spreewald Gherkins

Why East Germans had sex more often and the English had more fun

The land of East Germans: nude bathing in the Baltic Sea, every child was a pioneer, but most noticeably: plenty of sex at holiday camps! Jacinta Nandi, the Englishwoman living in Berlin, finds it all pure madness. However, none of her East German friends want to tell her anything about it – except Jakob Hein. No matter whether it was the legendary banana queues in June ’78, the absurd attempt to bring rock ‘n’ roll to the GDR, or the mysterious disciplinary measures of the East German hospitality business, nothing escapes his biting mockery when he describes the zany East, not even the fact that London in those days was regarded as the Promised Land.

For over a year now Jacinta Nandi and the author Jakob Hein have exchanged anecdotes on the true ‘kingdom of the East’ and are having a whale of a time. It is high time that we joined in.

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  • Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch
  • Release: 14.02.2013
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-04508-6
  • 240 Pages
  • Authors: Jakob HeinJacinta Nandi
Fish ‘n’ Chips & Spreewald Gherkins
Jakob Hein Jacinta Nandi Fish ‘n’ Chips & Spreewald Gherkins
Urban Zintel
© Urban Zintel
Jakob Hein

Jakob Hein , born in 1971, works as a psychiatrist and has published numerous books. His book Hypochondriacs Live Longer (2020) stayed on the SPIEGEL bestseller list for several weeks. His latest novel The Hypnotist  was published in 2022.

Susanne Schleyer/
© Susanne Schleyer/
Jacinta Nandi

Jacinta Nandi wurde 1980 in London geboren und kam mit zwanzig nach Berlin, sie schreibt für das englischsprachige Stadtmagazin Exberliner und ist Mitglied der Lesebühnen Rakete 2000 und Surfpoeten . 2011 erschien ihr erstes CD-Buch:
»Why German people love playing frisbee with their nana naked«.