99 Ideas for Reviving Political Utopia. The Commical Manifesto

  • Author's previous book Mr. Sonneborn Goes to Brussels was a SPIEGEL bestseller #1

“Our core mission is to provide comic criticism, to politicize young people, to annoy the (fucking) AfD, and finally to confront the Greens, the Left, and the SPD with utopias – if need be their own.” - Martin Sonneborn

The utopian consciousness, the ability “quite simply to imagine the whole as something that could be totally different” (T. Willibald Adorno) has “disappeared” (Houdini) from public discourse – and, with it, the decisive driving force behind any societal progress. In the face of a world characterized by attitudes worth rejecting, whose self-destructive potential is constantly increasing, we are lacking an all-encompassing, fresh, integral, not yet disavowed DESIGN for a world that is really swell in the end.

Of course, THIS BOOK PROVIDES NONE EITHER. Instead, it offers 99 above-board analyses, disturbing insights about the present, and utopias for every (third) day. Many of them funny!

  • Establishing a maximal living wage of 1 million
  • Making climate change denial a punishable offense (revocation of driver’s license)
  • Introducing AMAZON-free Wednesdays!
  • Habermas, give us back our old public sphere!
Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch
  • Release: 08.07.2021
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00214-0
  • 192 Pages
  • Author: Martin Sonneborn
99 Ideas for Reviving Political Utopia. The Commical Manifesto
Martin Sonneborn 99 Ideas for Reviving Political Utopia. The Commical Manifesto
Tanja Rethmann
© Tanja Rethmann
Martin Sonneborn

Martin Sonneborn , Mitherausgeber von Titanic; geboren 1965 in Göttingen; Studium der Publizistik, Germanistik und Politikwissenschaften in Münster, Wien und Berlin; Magisterarbeit über die absolute Wirkungslosigkeit moderner Satire. Hält es für witzig, trotz seinerzeit schlüssiger wissenschaftlicher Argumentation heute im EU-Parlament zu sitzen. 

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