Mr. Sonneborn Stays in Brussels

New Adventures in the European Parliament

  • Mr. Sonneborn Goes to Brussels was #1 on the SPIEGEL bestseller list for months and was the second best-selling non-fiction book of 2019

When Martin Sonneborn was elected to the European Parliament for the second time in 2019, he wasn't so naive anymore: he had already learned how politics is done in the EU - and knows all the tricks. And that's a good thing, because in his second term of office, everything is at stake in Europe. (Almost).

The Green Deal is negotiated in Brussels (and Strasbourg), positions are taken in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the digital surveillance of citizens in the EU is re-regulated. Hundreds of decisions that will become part of everyday life for millions of EU citizens - and that sometimes require a great deal of humor in order not to reach for the bottle in the MEP bar. Or not to ask the question of meaning. Fortunately, Martin Sonneborn has good ideas for moving Europe in the right direction. His suggestion: EU downsizing instead of EU enlargement, Nobel prizes for Assange, ...

The book is a journey into a parallel universe. It takes readers to the offices of the EU administration, to the Hellmarsh high-security prison in London and to East Germany. It is informative, shocking and funny.

Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: KiWi-Paperback
  • Release: 08.02.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00600-1
  • 432 Pages
  • Author: Martin Sonneborn
Mr. Sonneborn Stays in Brussels
Martin Sonneborn Mr. Sonneborn Stays in Brussels
Tanja Rethmann
© Tanja Rethmann
Martin Sonneborn

Martin Sonneborn , Mitherausgeber von Titanic; geboren 1965 in Göttingen; Studium der Publizistik, Germanistik und Politikwissenschaften in Münster, Wien und Berlin; Magisterarbeit über die absolute Wirkungslosigkeit moderner Satire. Hält es für witzig, trotz seinerzeit schlüssiger wissenschaftlicher Argumentation heute im EU-Parlament zu sitzen. 

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