My Mother’s Loves

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A story of longing – Peter Schneider’s moving overture to his mother

For decades, her letters written during and after the Second World War in the old German font Sütterlin lay unread in a cabinet. When Peter Schneider finally decides to have his mother’s letters transcribed, he comes upon an incredible story – one involving an open love triangle.

While he, his sister and his mother waited for the war to end in a little Bavarian village, his mother was somewhere else in her thoughts and in her letters: with a distant husband, a composer and conductor – and with her lover, a famous German opera director, who made quite a splash in post-war Germany with his sensational productions.

Through her letters and his reminiscences, Peter Schneider reconstructs his childhood and sketches a complex portrait of a fascinating woman who followed her passions without regard for the conventions of the time.

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France: Grasset & Fasquelle / Italy: L´Orma / Slovakia: Vydavatel’stvo Spolku slovenskych spisovatel’ov

  • Publisher: Kiepenheuer&Witsch
  • Release: 16.05.2013
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-04514-7
  • 304 Pages
  • Author: Peter Schneider
My Mother’s Loves
Peter Schneider My Mother’s Loves
Franziska Hauser
© Franziska Hauser
Peter Schneider

Peter Schneider was born in Lübeck in 1940 and grew up in Freiburg, where he studied German language and literature, history and philosophy. He is the author of short stories, novels, screenplays, reportages, essays and talks. Rights to his novel Die Lieben meiner Mutter have been sold to France, Italy and Slovakia. Most recently, he published the novel Vivaldi und seine Töchter (2019). Since 1985, Peter Schneider has been a visiting professor at various American universities, including Stanford, Princeton, Harvard and Georgetown in Washington D.C.

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