This is Not a Love Song

First published in 2002

It is 1996 and Anne Strelau is sitting on a plane bound for London, heading towards the man she has loved since her teens. Having tired of the pretence of living ‘normally’, she has given in to her ‘madness’ and decided to confront the object of her passion, Peter Hemstedt. In fact, there is little that is ‘normal’ about Anne. Most obviously, at 112 kg, she is grotesquely overweight. “This is Not a Love Song” is the story of Anne’s ups and downs: of her unhappy childhood, her miserable adolescence, and the start of her obsession with her weight. 'The decision to embark on the first diet is a decisive, if not the most decisive, step in a girl’s life', she decides. ‘In any case, it is more important than the hugely overrated event of losing your virginity.’ First anorexic then bulimic, she measures her self-worth in kilos and boyfriends. Then she falls for handsome, successful Hemstedt. When her love is not returned, she fakes ‘normality’ and gets a job. But still nothing works. ‘I have reached a point’, she records in her mid-thirties, ‘where I no longer believe in anyone or anything, apart from chocolate.’ A brilliantly black comedy about obesity, adult disappointment and cynicism, wars, ecological disasters and passing fashions, “This is Not a Love Song” serves up irresistibly macabre chic lit with a thick coating of grime and fat.

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The title has been previously published in the following countries:
Denmark (Gyldendal), Greece (Indiktos), Lithuania (Leidykla Algimantas), Netherlands (De Geus), Norway (Aschehoug), Russia (Amphora), Sweden (Albert Bonniers), Spain (Santillana), UK (Bloomsbury)

  • Publisher: KiWi-Taschenbuch
  • Release: 06.10.2022
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00050-4
  • 304 Pages
  • Author: Karen Duve
Dies ist kein Liebeslied
Karen Duve Dies ist kein Liebeslied
Kerstin Ahlrichs
© Kerstin Ahlrichs
Karen Duve

Karen Duve , born in Hamburg in 1961, lives in the Märkische Schweiz area of Brandenburg. She has won numerous awards. Her novels Regenroman (“Rain”), Dies ist kein Liebeslied (“This Is Not a Love Song”), Die entführte Prinzessin (“The Abducted Princess”) and Taxi were bestsellers and have been translated into 14 languages. In 2011, she published Anständig essen. Ein Selbstversuch (“Eating Well”) and, in 2014, the polemic Warum die Sache schiefgeht (“Why Things Go Wrong”). Her novel Macht (published in GB under the title “The Prepper Room”) received the Kassel Literary Prize for Grotesque Humor 2017 and her last novel Fräulein Nettes kurzer Sommer (“Fräulein Nette's Brief Summer”) received the Düsseldorfer Literature Prize 2019. Karen Duve was recently awarded with the Soluthurner Literatur Prize 2019 and the Carl-Amery Literature Prize 2019 for her multifaceted oeuvre.