Christmas With Thomas Müller

  • For Ages 6+

Thomas Müller, the Wortmann family teddy bear, is in serious trouble: During the family’s last-minute Christmas Eve shopping expedition, he loses them in Hamburg’s Karstadt department store. Then he gets beat up by a cab driver who realizes he’s trying to get a lift home to the suburbs without having the fare. And now he’s sitting in the middle of the abandoned city center of Hamburg by night, wet, frustrated, his fur matted, slowly freezing onto the edge of a fountain. And, as if that weren’t enough, a rather scary-looking cat also shows up…

A wonderful fairy tale about hope and hopelessness, frustration and friendship, home and the joys of unexpected rescue.

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  • Publisher: Galiani-Berlin
  • Release: 13.10.2016
  • ISBN: 978-3-86971-130-0
  • 48 Pages
  • Authors: Karen Duve
  • Illustrated by: Petra Darshan Kolitsch
Christmas With Thomas Müller
Karen Duve Petra Darshan Kolitsch Christmas With Thomas Müller
Kerstin Ahlrichs
© Kerstin Ahlrichs
Karen Duve

Karen Duve , born in Hamburg in 1961, lives in the Märkische Schweiz area of Brandenburg. She has won numerous awards. Her novels Regenroman (“Rain”), Dies ist kein Liebeslied (“This Is Not a Love Song”), Die entführte Prinzessin (“The Abducted Princess”) and Taxi were bestsellers and have been translated into 14 languages. In 2011, she published Anständig essen. Ein Selbstversuch (“Eating Well”) and, in 2014, the polemic Warum die Sache schiefgeht (“Why Things Go Wrong”). Her novel Macht (published in GB under the title “The Prepper Room”) received the Kassel Literary Prize for Grotesque Humor 2017 and her last novel Fräulein Nettes kurzer Sommer (“Fräulein Nette's Brief Summer”) received the Düsseldorfer Literature Prize 2019. Karen Duve was recently awarded with the Soluthurner Literatur Prize 2019 and the Carl-Amery Literature Prize 2019 for her multifaceted oeuvre.

Julia Klug
© Julia Klug
Petra Darshan Kolitsch

Petra Darshan Kolitsch  lebt in Hamburg und arbeitet freiberuflich in den Feldern bildende Kunst, Gestaltung und kreative Erlebnis-Events. Mit Karen Duve veröffentlichte sie zwei Weihnachtsgeschichten mit ‚dem Bär Thomas Müller‘, die mit ihrer humorvollen Art und den charmanten Illustrationen zu einem Erfolg wurden. Unter dem Namen Excellent Life- Art & Spirit  bringt sie ihre vielseitigen Talente und Berufungen zusammen. Sie unterrichtet Yoga und Numerologie und publiziert in ihrer eigenen Druck-Edition mit Motiven zu Yoga & Psychologie.