Moral Stories

For 20 years Maxim Biller has been writing his Moral Stories that have been published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. Every second sunday during the past three years, his stories either depress the readers or make them laugh – mostly it’s a mixture of both. Intense reactions are guaranteed when Biller describes people´s every-day life and the depths of the human soul. A tattooed number on somebody´s arm turns into a winning lottery number, a butcher´s knife proves to be a marriage´s guarantor or a father´s ghost turns up while his son is with a Polish prostitute.

Looking at the stories´ titles, e.g. Sense of Life, Cosmos or Poetry and Truth, the stories seem to deal with the big issues of life. Reading them however, it is soon clear that they rather describe the elementary life – dreams, phantasies and Freudian slips resulting in the most surprising and relieving perceptions.

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  • Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch eBook
  • Release: 08.03.2012
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-30586-9
  • 240 Pages
  • Author: Maxim Biller
Moralische Geschichten
Maxim Biller Moralische Geschichten
Maxim Biller

Maxim Biller was born in Prague in 1960 and has been living in Germany since 1970. His books include his memoir  The Second-Hand Jew (2009) and the novella Inside the Head of Bruno Schulz (2013). His bestseller Six Suitcases was shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2018. Most recently, he published the novel The Bad Salute (2021). His books have been translated into numerous languages.

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